The Stooges – T.V. Eye
12 Bewertungen
12 Bewertungen
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Version | Länge | Titel | Label Nummer | Format Medium | Release |
4:17 | Fun House | Elektra EKS 74071 | Album LP | 08.1970 | |
4:17 | Elektrock - The Sixties | Elektra 960 403-1 | Compilation LP | 1985 | |
Live | 4:09 | Some Weird Sin (Live) | Revenge CAX 9 | Single 12" Maxi | 1992 |
Live | 4:18 | Wild Animal | Revenge MIG 50 | Album CD | 1993 |
Live | 5:11 | Telluric Chaos | Skydog SK 2005-3 | Album CD | 20.06.2005 |
Live at the Feile Festival, Ireland, 1993 | 5:30 | A Million In Prizes - The Anthology [Limited Deluxe Edition] | Virgin 09463-11365-2-8 | Album CD | 15.07.2005 |
4:17 | Fun House [2 CD Bonus Edition] | Elektra 8122-73175-2 | Album CD | 19.08.2005 | |
Takes 7 & 8 | 6:01 | Fun House [2 CD Bonus Edition] | Elektra 8122-73175-2 | Album CD | 19.08.2005 |
Live | 4:18 | Have Some Fun: Live At Ungano's | Rhino Handmade RHM2 525148 | Album CD | 22.11.2010 |
4:17 | The Stooges + Fun House | Rhino 8122796525 | Album CD | 02.08.2013 | |
Live | 3:22 | Shot Myself Up | Easy Action EARSCD77 | Album CD | 08.05.2015 |
Iggy Pop
Alben - Schweizer Hitparade
Musik-DVD - Schweizer Hitparade
Post Pop Depression - Live At The Royal Albert Hall [DVD]
Eintritt: 06.11.2016 | Peak: 3 | Wochen: 3
(I Got) Nothing (Live) (Iggy And The Stooges)
1969 (Live) (The Stooges)
Ann (The Stooges)
ATM (The Stooges)
Beyond The Law (Iggy Pop & James Williamson)
Blood On Your Cool (Iggy Pop & The Trolls)
Cock In My Pocket (Iggy Pop & The Stooges)
Consolation Prizes (Iggy Pop & James Williamson)
Dead Rock Star (Iggy Pop & The Stooges)
Electro Sixteen (Benny Benassi vs Iggy Pop)
Free & Freaky (The Stooges)
Gimme Danger (Live) (Iggy And The Stooges)
Greedy Awful People (The Stooges)
Hard To Beat (Iggy Pop & The Stooges)
Head On (Iggy Pop & The Stooges)
Heavy Liquid (Iggy Pop & The Stooges)
Here Comes The Summer (Iggy Pop & The Trolls)
He's Frank (The BPA feat. Iggy Pop)
Hollywood Affair (Iggy Pop & Johnny Depp)
How It Hurts (The Stooges)
I Feel Alright (The Stooges)
I Got Nothin' (Iggy Pop & James Williamson)
I Got Nothing (Live) (The Stooges)
I Got Nothing/I Got Shit (Iggy Pop & The Stooges)
If I'm In Luck I Might Get Picked Up (Iggy Pop & Zig Zags)
I'm Fried (The Stooges)
I'm Going Away Smiling (Iggy Pop & Yoko Ono)
I'm Waiting For My Man (Iggy & The Stooges)
Inferiority Complex (Iggy Pop & The Trolls)
Jesus Loves The Stooges (Iggy And The Stooges)
Johanna (Iggy And The Stooges)
Johanna (Iggy Pop & James Williamson)
Jose The Arab (Iggy Pop & The Trolls)
Kick It (Peaches feat. Iggy Pop)
Les amants (Les Rita Mitsouko With Iggy Pop)
Let's Boot And Rally (Iggy Pop with Bethany Cosentino)
Little Doll (The Stooges)
Little Electric Chair (Iggy Pop & The Stooges)
Little Know It All (Iggy Pop & Sum 41)
Loser (Iggy Pop & The Stooges)
Lost In The Future (The Stooges)
Louie Louie (Iggy Pop & The Stooges)
Lucky Monkeys (Iggy Pop & James Williamson)
Mars Is For Martians (Boss Martians feat. Iggy Pop)
Master Charge (Iggy Pop & James Williamson)
Mexican Guy (The Stooges)
Mobile (Pan Amsterdam x Iggy Pop)
Motor Inn (Iggy Pop & Freedom feat. Peaches)
My Girl Hates My Heroin (The Stooges)
My Idea Of Fun (The Stooges)
Night Theme (Iggy Pop & James Williamson)
No Flag (en français) (Elvis Costello & Iggy Pop)
No Sense Of Crime (Iggy Pop & James Williamson)
Not Right (The Stooges)
Nowhere (Iggy And The Stooges)
O Solo Mio (The Stooges)
Open Up And Bleed (Iggy Pop & The Stooges)
Open Up And Bleed (Live) (Iggy And The Stooges)
Passing Cloud (The Stooges)
Perverts In The Sun (Iggy Pop & The Trolls)
Private Hell (Iggy & Green Day)
Punkrocker (Teddybears feat. Iggy Pop)
Purple Haze (Iggy And The Stooges)
Ready To Run (Iggy Pop & The Trolls)
Real Cool Time (The Stooges)
Rich Bitch (Iggy Pop & The Stooges)
Risky (Ryuichi Sakamoto & Iggy Pop)
Rock Action (Iggy And The Stooges)
Rock Show (Iggy Pop & Peaches)
Rockicide (Millenia Nova feat. Iggy Pop)
Scene Of The Crime (Iggy And The Stooges)
Sell You Love (Iggy Pop & James Williamson)
She Creatures Of Hollywood Hills (Iggy And The Stooges)
She Took My Money (The Stooges)
Slide (Slidin' The Blues) (The Stooges)
Superbabe (Iggy Pop & The Trolls)
Supermarket (Iggy & Green Day)
The End Of Christianity (The Stooges)
The Weirdness (The Stooges)
The Wild One (Jet and Iggy Pop)
Tight Pants (Iggy And The Stooges)
Till The End Of The Night (Iggy And The Stooges)
Trollin' (The Stooges)
Tv screen (Goran Bregović feat. Iggy Pop)
Waiting For The D Train (Iggy Pop & Yoko Ono)
Wet My Bed (Iggy & The Stooges)
What You Gonna Do (Live) (The Stooges)
Whatever (Iggy Pop & The Trolls)
Wild Love (Iggy Pop & The Stooges)
You Can't Have Friends (The Stooges)
You Really Got Me (Iggy & The Stooges)
Song hinzufügenThe Stooges
Alben - Schweizer Hitparade
(I Got) Nothing (Live) (Iggy And The Stooges)
Cock In My Pocket (Iggy Pop & The Stooges)
Dead Rock Star (Iggy Pop & The Stooges)
Gimme Danger (Live) (Iggy And The Stooges)
Hard To Beat (Iggy Pop & The Stooges)
Head On (Iggy Pop & The Stooges)
Heavy Liquid (Iggy Pop & The Stooges)
I Got Nothing/I Got Shit (Iggy Pop & The Stooges)
I'm Waiting For My Man (Iggy & The Stooges)
Jesus Loves The Stooges (Iggy And The Stooges)
Johanna (Iggy And The Stooges)
Little Electric Chair (Iggy Pop & The Stooges)
Loser (Iggy Pop & The Stooges)
Louie Louie (Iggy Pop & The Stooges)
Nowhere (Iggy And The Stooges)
Open Up And Bleed (Iggy Pop & The Stooges)
Open Up And Bleed (Live) (Iggy And The Stooges)
Purple Haze (Iggy And The Stooges)
Rich Bitch (Iggy Pop & The Stooges)
Rock Action (Iggy And The Stooges)
Scene Of The Crime (Iggy And The Stooges)
She Creatures Of Hollywood Hills (Iggy And The Stooges)
Tight Pants (Iggy And The Stooges)
Till The End Of The Night (Iggy And The Stooges)
Wet My Bed (Iggy & The Stooges)
Wild Love (Iggy Pop & The Stooges)
You Really Got Me (Iggy & The Stooges)
Song hinzufügenDurchschnittliche
12 BewertungenThe Stooges - T.V. Eye
29.05.2006 16:12
Knüller! Markantes Gitarrenriff und Iggy schreit sich die Seele aus dem Leib.
17.06.2007 17:58
auch nicht schlecht
11.02.2008 16:55
hartes stück, nicht für die band, aber für den zuhörer..nicht genre fans werden hier sicher schnell das weite suchen!
der song wurde auch einige male gecovert..
der song wurde auch einige male gecovert..
Yeah! Nicht weniger als Rock'n'Roll in seiner reinsten (sprich: dreckigsten) Form. Drogenexzessmusik. Im besten Sinne.
Vor allem die letzte Minute gefällt mir sehr - relativ knapp an der Höchstnote vorbei.
Schön, Schreien zum Beruf zu machen. Die letzte Minute ist tatsächlich hervorragend. Dafür runde ich auf.
Hier zelebrieren Iggy und seine Stooges einen RocK'N'Roll-Exzess in Reinkultur. Das ganze klingt wie eine Vorlage für Punkrock und Heavy-Metal. "T.V. Eyes" sollte man unbedingt bei voller Lautstärke hören!
hübsches Geschrei bei dieser Rocknummer, 4*
Auch die Nummer verfügt doch über ganz schön viel Punch....
Ganz knappe 5.
Ganz knappe 5.
Iggy blökt sich die Seele aus dem Leib...was für ein Titel! Hochgradig aggressive und polternde Mucke fernab des Mainstreams. So etwas hörten 1970 wirklich nur sehr hartgesottene Zeitgenossen. Je älter ich werde, desto weniger gefällt er mir.